
Terms of Service

§ General

It is strictly forbidden to upload any porn materials, spreading viruses, CSAM, including so called "child beauty non nude sites". If we found any of your content is violating our terms, we will remove it immediately. If you are not sure about the legality of the content, always check with your local laws before submitting content. In general, don't be an asshole.

§ Availability

AnonFiles cannot guarantee full availability of the service, however, we do our best to keep the service as stable as possible. AnonFiles disclaim all responsibility for loss of income due to downtime and/or data loss.

§ Logging

We are strong advocates of privacy & do not log user activities, downloads & tracking.

§ Administrative measures

AnonFiles administrators have the right to remove and/or permanently ban file contents we find inappropriate.

§ Changes

This user agreement is subject to change at any time, please review this agreement before you decide to use the service. You are technically bound to accept this agreement by accessing/using the service.
Last update: 3:47AM 25/9/2024